刘建,徐如磊,包久荣,王飞.塞拉利昂东方省盖布韦马铁矿床地质特征及找矿标志[J].地质找矿论丛,2024,39(1):128-133 |
塞拉利昂东方省盖布韦马铁矿床地质特征及找矿标志 |
Geological characteristics and ore prospecting marks of Gegbwema Fe Deposit in eastern province of Sierra Leone |
投稿时间:2023-07-06 |
DOI:10.6053/j.issn.1001-1412.2024.01.015 |
中文关键词: 沉积变质型铁矿 条带状磁铁石英岩 盖布韦马 塞拉利昂 |
英文关键词:Sedimentary metamorphic Fe deposit banded magnetite quartzite Gegbwema Sierra Leone |
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中文摘要: |
盖布韦马铁矿隶属于塞拉利昂东方省凯内马(Kenema)行政区,其属产于太古界高绿片岩相-麻粒岩相变质岩中的沉积变质型(BIF)铁矿床。本文通过对该区铁矿床成矿地质背景和矿床特征的分析,总结了该区的成矿规律及找矿标志。结果表明,该矿床由含铁硅质建造经区域变质作用形成,矿化带呈层状或似层状近平行产出,走向NE-NNE,倾向NW-NWW,倾角一般35°~70°;空间上分布在太古宇变质岩中,严格受其限制;矿体主要由条带状磁铁石英岩构成;太古界变粒岩、片麻岩内条带状辉石磁铁石英岩、磁铁角闪辉石黑云斜长变粒岩、磁铁角闪紫苏辉长岩是找矿地层标志。 |
英文摘要: |
The Gegbwema Fe deposit is a sedimentary metamorphic deposit (BIF) occurring in high greenschist-granulate facies, located in Kenema district, eastern province, Sierra Leone. This paper analyzed geological and Metallogenic background and characteristics of the Fe deposit and summarizes metallogenic law and ore prospecting marks. The Fe ore belts are layered or Layeroid paralleling with each other, striking NE-NNE, dipping NW-NEW at angle 35°~70°. Spatially they are strictly controlled by Archean metallogenic rock. The Fe ore body is composed of banded magnetite quartzite. Banded pyroxene-magnetite quartzite, magnetite-hornblende-biotite-Plagioclase granulite, magnetite-hornblende-hypersthene gabbro within the Archean granulite and gneiss are the Fe ore prospecting marks. |
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