Discussion on genesis of Haidewula volcanic rock type uranium deposit in Qinghai province
中文关键词:  铀矿床  火山岩  地质特征  矿床成因  海德乌拉地区  青海省
英文关键词:Uranium deposit  volcanic rock  geological characteristics  deposit genesis  Haidewula ares  Qinghai province
徐新文 青海省核工业地质局, 西宁 810008 
段建华 青海省核工业地质局, 西宁 810008 
路耀祖 青海省核工业地质局, 西宁 810008 
刘江峰 青海省核工业地质局, 西宁 810008 
雷占昌 青海省核工业地质局, 西宁 810008 
杨晓鸿 青海省核工业地质局, 西宁 810008 
摘要点击次数: 376
全文下载次数: 552
      Haidewula is a medium volcanic rock type uranium deposit newly discovered in the east Kunlun area in Qinghai province. This paper is based on regional geology and the background, local geological characteristics of the study area and geological characteristics of the uranium deposit to discuss metallogenic structural background, the rock-forming time and genesis of the uranium deposit. Geotectonically the deposit is located at subduction complex at South slope of east Kunlun mountain of the South Kunlun junction zone of Qin-Qi-Kunlun orogenic belt at intersection of Tethys and North China platform tectonic realms. Uranium mineralization is closely related to intermediate-basic and acidic volcanic rock. Haidewula uranium deposit is controlled by regional medium-large faults. Ore bodies occur mainly in NW, NE sub-faults related to regional NWW fault. Mineralization bodies are thick and densely distributed with higher uranium grade. Mineralization is mainly composed of cataclastic rock, alteration rock reddening and puritization. Mineralogy of the deposit is simple. Pitchblende is the main uranium mineral. In addition to uranium no other by-product elements occur. Isotropic dating and regional correlation show that volcanic rock of the deposit was formed in Late Triassic Epoch. Genetically the deposit is a hydrothermal uranium deposit.
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