Progress, challenge and prospect of gas exploration in shale of Taiyuan-Shanxi formation in Henan province
中文关键词:  页岩气  太原组  山西组  勘探进展  挑战  展望  河南省
英文关键词:Natural gas in shale  Taiyuan formation  Shanxi formation  exploration progress  challenge  prospect  Henan province
邱庆伦 河南省地质研究院, 郑州 450001 
朱德胜 河南省地质研究院, 郑州 450001 
吴会永 河南省地质研究院, 郑州 450001 
瓮纪昌 河南省地质研究院, 郑州 450001 
董果果 河南省地质研究院, 郑州 450001 
袁青松 河南省地质研究院, 郑州 450001 
摘要点击次数: 364
全文下载次数: 701
      河南省太原组、山西组页岩气属于新区、新层系,目前已取得了太原组日产天然气9400 m3的重大勘探进展。本文系统总结了该套层系页岩气勘探进展、页岩气富集规律新认识,梳理了制约勘探开发的技术挑战,进而探讨了勘探前景。综合研究认为,太原组、山西组具有普遍含气的地质特征,太原组中部是直井压裂甜点层段;建议在河南省东部太原组和山西组厚度相对较大、埋深2000~3500 m、成熟度相对较低、构造相对稳定的勘探甜点区评价基础上,开展甜点层段优选,进一步优化钻井工艺及压裂试气参数,有望取得商业性突破。
      Gas exploration in shale of Taiyuan-Shanxi formation is carried out in a new area and a new rock sequence in Henan province. A breakthrough has been made from Taiyuan formation where 9400 m3 of natural gas is produced every day. This paper deals with systematically progress, new ideal about natural gas concentration in shale and technical challenge for the exploration so as to discuss the exploration prospect. We comprehensively consider that Taiyuan-Shanxi formation is characteristic of geology of gas-bearing strata, middle part of Taiyuan formation the sweet point interval for preferable crushed layer and propose opitmIzation of the sweet point interval, well drilling technology and crushing parameter according to relative big thickness, buried depth of 2000-3500 m and relative low maturity and stable structural facies of Taiyuan-Shanxi formation in the east Henan province to make a breakthrough of commercially I'm gas production in the new area and rock sequence.
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