Geochemical characteristics and prospecting significance of deep boreholes at No. 163 ore body of Wulong Au deposit in Liaoning provinve
中文关键词:  辽宁五龙金矿  SPSS分析  元素相关性  聚类分析  因子分析  163矿脉
英文关键词:SPSS procession  correlation  cluster analysis  factor analysis  No.163 ore body  Wulong Au deposit  Liaoning province
邱海成 辽宁省五龙黄金矿业有限责任公司, 辽宁 丹东 118012  
李德东 北京矿产地质研究院有限责任公司, 北京 100012 lidedong2005@126.com 
李建平 辽宁省五龙黄金矿业有限责任公司, 辽宁 丹东 118012  
陈海涛 辽宁省五龙黄金矿业有限责任公司, 辽宁 丹东 118012  
褚广勤 辽宁省五龙黄金矿业有限责任公司, 辽宁 丹东 118012  
张凤琴 中国地质大学(北京), 北京 100083  
摘要点击次数: 443
全文下载次数: 735
      五龙金矿是辽东地区大型岩浆热液型金矿床,163矿脉是矿区内目前发现的最大含矿构造。为进一步探测深部找矿潜力,近几年矿山对163矿脉进行了大量的探采工程,其中在-762 m坑道实施了600 m钻孔。本文在详细编录该钻孔的基础上,对全孔样品进行成矿元素测试工作,利用SPSS软件对所得测试数据进行元素相关性、聚类、因子分析。相关性分析显示,具有显著正相关的元素主要为Bi、W、Cu、Ag、Au和As、Sb、Sn、Zn两组;Mo元素与Sn、Ag、Cu、Bi、W、Sb地素具有显著正相关性,而Pb元素与Cu、Mo、Au、W元素呈显著负相关性,Hg元素与其它元素相关性不明显。聚类分析结果表明,R型聚类在类的距离为5的水平上,这些元素明显可分为3组:Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn、Sn、Mo、As、W;Ag、Au、Sb、Bi。因子分析结果表明,提取3个因子可以反映出12个元素变量64.42%的地球化学信息,F1的主要载荷因子组成为Sn、Ag、As、Zn、Sb,F2的主要载荷因子组成为Au、W、Bi、-Pb,F3的主要载荷因子组成为Hg。根据成矿元素随深度变化特征,结合前人构造叠加晕研究成果,推测该钻孔深部还存在盲矿体,为163矿脉深部找矿预测提供了借鉴。
      Wulong Au deposit is a large magmatic hydrothermal deposit in the east Liaoning province. The vein in which No.163 ore body occurs is the biggest structural space in the mine area recognized at present. It is potential for further prospecting. In resent years tunnel drilling of 600 m footage at Level -762 m have been completed and logged detailly with whole borehole sampling. All the samples are analyzed and correlation, cluster and factor analysis of the elements are processed with SPSS software. The results show that Bi, W, Cu, Ag, Au; As, Sb, Sn, Zn; the two sets of element, Mo and Sn, Ag, Cu, Bi, W, Sb are positively positively correlated; Pb obviously negatively to Cu, Mo, Au; Hg without obviously correlation to other elements; R type cluster distance kept 5, elements divided into 3 sets, i.e. Hg, Cu, Pb, Zn; Sn, Mo, As, W; Ag, Au, Sb, Si, Bi; 3 load factors extracted, F1, F2, F3, reflecting 64.42 geochemical information of 12 variables, F1 consisting of Sn, Ag, As, Zn, Sb, F2 consisting of Au, W, Bi, Pb, F3 Hg According to variation of ore elements to depth and previous structural overprint halo researches blind ore bodies are predicted to depth of the tunnel boreholes.
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