Geological characteristics and metallogenic law of Datian bauxite deposit in Kaili city, Guizhou province
中文关键词:  大田铝土矿  矿床地质特征  成矿规律  凯里地区  贵州省
英文关键词:Datian bauxite deposit  geological characteristics  metallogenic law  Kaili city  Guizhou province
杨智勇 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局六总队, 贵州 凯里 556000  
杨志忠 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局地质矿产勘查院, 贵阳 550005 809439420@qq.com 
周文龙 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局地质矿产勘查院, 贵阳 550005  
摘要点击次数: 557
全文下载次数: 600
      凯里市大田铝土矿是贵州省重要铝土矿成矿带凯里─黄平矿集区(带)内的重要矿床。通过工作发现:①二叠系梁山组是其含矿层位,矿体呈似层状、透镜状/漏斗状产出,总体走向NE,平均厚2.59 m,w(Al2O3)平均值为64.25%,铝硅比平均为5.25,铝土矿(332+333)矿石资源量978.38×104 t;②矿石矿物以一水硬铝石为主,矿石结构一般为自形、半自形或它形粒状结构,构造主要为块状构造、孔隙状构造、层纹状构造,矿石类型以低硫低铁铝土矿为主;③矿床受断裂构造影响较大,在该区西北部的泥质岩相带中铝土矿成矿较好,矿体厚度与含矿岩系厚度成正比,矿石的w(Al2O3)值与w(SiO2)值成反比;④高坡场组古岩溶洼地、槽沟是该区铝土矿找矿的有利部位。
      Datian bauxite deposit is an important one in the Kaili-Huangping bauxite deposit-clustered belt. The Permian Liangshan formation is the bauxite ore-bearing horizon. The bauxite ore is stratiform or lenticular/funnel in the ore body with general NE strike. The averaged thickness of the ore body is 2.59 m, averaged w(Al2O3) 64.25% and averaged Al/Si ratio 5.25. The resource volume (332+333) is 978.38×104t. The ore minerals are dominated by diaspore. The ore is characterized by euhedral, semi-euhedral and allohedrsl granular texture, massive, porous and lamellar structure and low sulfur and iron. The deposit is severely affected by fault. Mineralization is strongerly developed in the argilaceous lithifacies zone in the northwest of the area and the ore body thickness is proportional to that of the ore-bearing rock sequence and w(Al2O3) inversely to w(SiO2). Paleokarst depression and valley in Gaopochang formation are the optimal targets for future prospecting.
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