Significance of paleo-karst geomorphology control on ore in Houcao bauxite mine in Guizhou province
中文关键词:  后槽铝土矿  含铝岩系  古岩溶地貌  控矿作用  贵州省
英文关键词:Bauxite  paleo-karst geomophology  ore control process  Houcao  Guizhou province
刘旭 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局106地质大队, 贵州 遵义 563000  
姬胜源 贵州省油气勘查开发工程研究院, 贵阳 550081 290939533@qq.com 
翁申富 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局106地质大队, 贵州 遵义 563000  
赵爽 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局106地质大队, 贵州 遵义 563000  
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全文下载次数: 635
      Houcao bauxite mine is located at the central part of Zunyi bauxite ore belt in the central Guizhou province.The mining area is controlled by a karst basin.Here are developed various morphological karst features,such as medium-small karst depression,pit and gully.In the depressions is deposited the Al-bearing rock sequence of Jiujialu formation of Lower Carboniferous Series.354 drill holes were operated in Houcao area to control thickness of the Al-bearing sequence.Statistics of of the thickness and chemical composition of the rock were made to study the paleo-karst morphology control on the bauxite ore.Based on the control prospecting targets are predicted.The Al-bearing sequence is strictly controlled by paleo-erosion surface and occurrence and thickness of the Al-bearing sequence directly by the paleo-karst morphology.In the paleo-karst depression the Al-bearing sequence is relatively thick and w(Al2O3) higher.At the convex the sequence gets thinner and no bauxite ore occur.At the gentle relief without paleo-karst erosion the sequence is stable in thickness and single occurrences.The bauxite ore looks layered or layeroid.In areas in south of Saba and Houcao village distinct paleo-karst morphology occur and the Al-bearing sequence thicker thus worth prospecting.
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