Geological characteristics and genesis of the Lvcaoquangou phosphorus deposit in Longshou mountain, Gansu province
投稿时间:2020-08-21  修订日期:2020-11-26
中文关键词:  绿草泉沟磷矿  含磷岩系  地质特征  矿床成因  龙首山  甘肃省
英文关键词:Lvcaogou phosphorous deposit  phosphorous rock sequence  geological characteristics  Longshoushan mountain  Gansu Province
姚宾宾 甘肃省地质矿产勘查开发局第四地质矿产勘查院, 甘肃 酒泉 735000 
范应 甘肃省地质矿产勘查开发局第四地质矿产勘查院, 甘肃 酒泉 735000 
蒲东 甘肃省地质矿产勘查开发局第四地质矿产勘查院, 甘肃 酒泉 735000 
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      文章介绍了甘肃龙首山地区绿草泉沟磷矿的地质特征、矿床成因、找矿标志等,对该地区的含磷岩系进行了详细的剖析。绿草泉沟磷矿赋存于震旦系草大板组底部碎屑岩中,呈层状展布于复式背斜两翼;通过普查工作共圈定磷矿体17条,矿体呈层状、似层状,长度40~1840 m,厚度1.08~7.01 m,控制矿体斜深为40~240 m,品位w(P2O5)=12.04%~24.08%;矿石自然类型属砂质磷块岩,工业类型为硅质型磷矿。通过矿床地质特征、沉积环境分析,认为绿草泉沟磷矿属沉积-变质型磷矿床。
      This article introduces the geological characteristics, genesis and prospecting indicators of Lvcaoquangou phosphorus deposit in Longshou mountain, Gansu province and the phosphorus-bearing rocks sequence in this area is detailed. The phosphorus deposit occurs in clastic rocks at botom of Caodaban formation of Sinian system as layers at two limbs of anticlinorium. A total of 17 phosphate ore bodies were delineated through the survey work. They are layered or layeoid, 40 to 1840 m long, 1.08 to 7.01 m thick, Extension of 40 to 240 m along dip is controlled with w(P2O5)=12.04%-24.08%. The natural type of ore belongs to sandy phosphate, and the industrial type is siliceous phosphorus ore. Based on the study of the geological characteristics of the deposit and sedimentary environment, the Lvcaoquangou phosphorus deposit is considered to be a Sedimentary-metamorphic type phosphate deposit.
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