Geological characteristics and genesis of Beiya gold polymetallic deposit in northwestern Yunnan province
中文关键词:  金多金属矿  地质特征  富碱斑岩  矿床成因  滇西北衙
英文关键词:gold polymetallic ore  geological features  alkali-rich porphyry  deposit genesis  Beiya in western Yunnan province
高歌 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院, 昆明 650093 
朱杰勇 云南省新材料制备与加工重点实验室, 昆明 650093 
李科 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院, 昆明 650093 
摘要点击次数: 1111
全文下载次数: 924
      Based on the field geological survey, combined with isotope dating and thin section identification, the geological characteristics, metallogenic age and genesis of the deposit were studied. The results show that:① the deposit occurs mainly in the inner and outer contact zones of the carbonate rock of Beiya Formation of Middle Series of Triassic System and the Himalayan period Alkali-rich porphyry; ② metallogenetically the deposits can be divided into two periods and five stages and period I is endogenic mineralization and period I oxidation; ③ the distribution of ore bodies is clearly controlled by SN and EW faults; ④ the age of Re-Os dating on molybdenite and U-Pb dating on zircon is coincided with that of the alkali-rich porphyry; ⑤alteration can be divided into "yellow green zone", "light red zone", "gray zone", of which the "yellow green zone" is the main gold polymetallicl mineralization zone; ⑥the deposit belongs to the skarn-porphyry gold polymetallic deposit related to the alkali-rich porphyry.
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