Petrogeochemistry of Li-rich Zihuaping leuco-granites in northeastern Guangxi and the relation to uranium metallogenesis
中文关键词:  越城岭岩体  富Li淡色花岗岩  结晶分异  花岗岩成因  铀成矿作用  桂东北
英文关键词:Yuechengling pluton  Li-rich leucogranite  fractional crystallization  genesis of the granite  uranium mineralization  the northeast Guangxi
何大芳 湖南省煤田地质局油气勘探队, 长沙 410014  
邹明亮 核工业二三〇研究所, 长沙 410011 zoumingliang2001@163.com 
于玉帅 中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心, 武汉 430205  
欧阳平宁 核工业二三〇研究所, 长沙 410011  
王前林 核工业二三〇研究所, 长沙 410011  
李杰 核工业二三〇研究所, 长沙 410011  
摘要点击次数: 1571
全文下载次数: 1035
      Lithium and uranium are the main mineral resources and their enrichment positions in granite are related with each other. Leuco granite in Zihuaping pluton is characterized by Li enrichment, 678.7×10-6(in medium-fine grained mica-muscovite granite) and 1 092.0×10-6(in medium-fine grained muscovite granite). Study on relation between petrogeochemistry of the granite and Uranium metallogenesis shows that the leuco-granite is relatively higher in Na2O、Al2O3 and F and relatively lower in K2O、FeO、MgO and CaO and that they are peraluminous granites. Demarked by ionic potential value 5.7 trace elements get higher with increase of Li content in the granite, i.e. a tendency of increase of elements with high ion potential with decrease of elements with low ion potential. Elements. In addition Rb, Ta, Hf are relatively enriched and HREE concentration lower. The element concentration zoning in the granite is temporally (from early to late) and spatially (from top to bottom) LREE→HREE→U(IV)→(Zr, Hf)→(Nb,Ta)→Li. The uraninite was formed before rare metal minerals. see to the dickite formation and potassium replacement in uranium ore for enrichment of As, Ni and other elements which indicates that hydrothermal fluid incorporated in the U-ore-forming process. Combined with the regional metallogenic data it is considered that the Li-rich leucogranite in Zihuaping pluton are the products of the remelting of the muddy source region, and the formation is close to the top of the remelting interface and related to the high degree of crystallization of the magma. The medium-fine grained two mica granite is the main uranium-bearing granite in this region, which was exposed to late thermal fluid. U-prospecting is potential to depth.
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