Characteristics of shale gas and analysis of the prospecting potential in Zhongmu block, Henean Province
中文关键词:  中牟区块  页岩气  地质评价  有利区  太原组  山西组  勘探展望  河南省
英文关键词:Zhongmu block  Shale gas  geological evaluation  favorable area  Taiyuan Formation  Shanxi Formation  exploration prospect  Henan province
邱庆伦 河南省地质调查院, 郑州 450001
地下清洁能源勘查开发产业技术创新战略联盟, 郑州 450001 
张古彬 河南省地质调查院, 郑州 450001
地下清洁能源勘查开发产业技术创新战略联盟, 郑州 450001 
冯辉 河南豫矿地质勘查投资有限公司, 郑州 450053
地下清洁能源勘查开发产业技术创新战略联盟, 郑州 450001 
张栋 河南省地质调查院, 郑州 450001
地下清洁能源勘查开发产业技术创新战略联盟, 郑州 450001 
张馨元 河南省地质调查院, 郑州 450001
地下清洁能源勘查开发产业技术创新战略联盟, 郑州 450001 
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      文章通过对河南中牟区块海陆过渡相太原组和山西组页岩气形成的地质条件与特征分析,认为区块构造较为简单、稳定,其海陆交互相沉积环境控制太原组和山西组页岩发育,分布广泛,富含有机质页岩厚度大,为页岩气目标层;有机碳含量w(TOC)=1.1%~3.7%,有机质类型为Ⅲ型,有机质成熟度指标镜质体反射率(Ro)>3.0%~3.8%;目标层有效孔隙度1.0%~5.0%,黏土矿物以伊利石和伊/蒙混层为主;含气量0.5~3.3 m3/t,平均1.7 m3/t。对牟页1井太原组、山西组三段采用快钻桥塞分段压裂,累计注入压裂液量5 055.9 m3,加砂量202.7 m3,三层合采求产为1 256 m3/d,标志着南华北盆地海陆过渡相页岩气勘探取得重大发现。通过地质评价和资源量计算,中牟区块太原组、山西组页岩气地质资源量较为丰富,勘探有利区面积大,具备较好的页岩气勘探前景。
      By analyzing geological conditions and features of shale gas formed at marine-continental transitional facies of the Taiyuan Formation and Shanxi Formation in Zhongmu block the researchers consider that structure of the block is simple and stable. The sedimentary environment of the marine-continental transitional facies controls development of the Taiyuan Formation and Shanxi Formation in which shale is widely distributed and in large thickness and contain abundant organic materials w(TOC)=1.1%~3.7% thus is the prospecting target. Organic matter type belongs to type Ⅲ, organic carbon content accounts for 1.1% to 3.7%, and the effective porosity of the shale ranges from 1.0% to 5.0%, the gas content is 0.5~3.3 m3/t, averagely 1.7 m3/t and the values of the Ro,organic matter maturity is greater than 3.0%, less than 3.8%. Clay minerals are mainly Illite and mixed-layered illite/smectite. At Muye well 1 Taiyuan and Shanxi formations are sectionally fractured by quick drill bridge plug with fracturing fluid 5 055.9 m3 and sand 202.7 m3 injected and total gas production of 1 256 m3/d of the combined mining of three layers. This is a significant discovery in the transitional facies of the north China basins. Geological evaluation and resource calculation suggest that in Zhongmu block the Taiyuan Formation and Shanxi Formation shale are abundant with gas resources, large favorable exploration areas, and good prospects for shale gas exploration.
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