Geological and metallogenic conditions of the iron deposit in Taxkorgan area, Xinjiang
投稿时间:2013-03-29  修订日期:2013-07-23
中文关键词:  铁矿床  成矿条件  找矿分析  塔什库尔干地区  新疆
英文关键词:iron deposit  metallogenic condition  metallogenic analysis  Taxkorgan area  Xinjiang
王海军 新疆地矿局第二地质大队, 新疆 喀什 844002 
冯昌荣 新疆地矿局第二地质大队, 新疆 喀什 844002 
王志亮 新疆地矿局第二地质大队, 新疆 喀什 844002 
摘要点击次数: 1817
全文下载次数: 1189
      塔什库尔干地区是新疆重要的沉积变质型铁矿矿集区。文章在对区内典型铁矿床及矿床地质特征综合分析的基础上研究了其成矿地质条件,认为古元古代火山沉积盆地内的海底火山作用为铁矿成矿提供了物质来源;后期岩浆侵入活动与磁铁矿层接触部位出现夕卡岩化使矿体进一步富集;褶皱作用使矿体产生局部增厚、减薄或尖灭;成矿后的断裂造成矿体沿走向的不连续。区内航磁异常的ΔT值大于200 nT,并有一定的延长,均与已发现的磁铁矿床相对应;地面磁异常500 nT以上的峰值带均为磁铁矿化引起的异常。Fe元素地球化学异常与古元古界布伦阔勒岩群完全吻合,布伦阔勒岩群是寻找沉积变质型磁铁矿床的主要层位。
      Taxkorgan area is one of the important iron-deposit-clustered areas in Xinjiang. Comprehensive analysis of metallogenic conditions of typical and other iron deposits in Taxkorgan area shows that submarine volcanism in the Palaeo-Proterozoic volcanic basin provided ore materials for the deposits. Skarnization at contact between the late magma intrusion and magnetite layer make further enrichment of the ore. Folding even led to local thickening, thinning or pinching out in strike of ore bodies. The post-ore fractures resulted in discontinuity of ore bodies in strike. ΔT value of aeromagnetic anomalies in the area is more than 200 nT with certain extension in belts and are coincided with the known magnetite ore deposits. The peak value of ground magnetic anomalies above 500 nT are all caused by magnetite mineralization. Anomly of Fe element is absolutely coincided with Bulunkuole group which is the main prospecting mark horizon for sedimentary metamorphic magnetite deposit.
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